New Chapter
Greetings from Aiki Matsushita
Hello friends,
It has already been two weeks since my last yoga class in the Bay Area. On Monday, December 9, a moving company came to our house, packed everything, and just like that, we were gone. We left the Bay Area, flying out of SFO, and brought to a close over twenty wonderful years of life there.
When we first moved to the United States, I was feeling burnt out from my life in Japan and eagerly looking forward to a fresh chapter. Every day brought something new, and I felt as though color had returned to my life.
This recent move came about quite quickly, leaving me little time to feel settled. Still, I sense that a new chapter has already begun. As the saying goes, one door must close for another to open. Initially, when we decided to leave the U.S., I felt sadness. But soon, I realized that this feeling stemmed from attachment — the kind of sentiment rooted in the mind. Regardless of how I felt in the moment, I came to understand that life continues to unfold in alignment with the seeds, the choices we make now.
As we prepared for the move, I discovered how challenging it was to release my attachments. The process often felt like being torn apart. Yet, through this struggle, I also learned how deeply I had held onto those attachments and, more importantly, how capable I was of letting them go. Despite moments of pain, I found myself increasingly looking forward to the next chapter of my life after embracing this release.
I wanted to take a moment to reach out and let everyone know that I am now stepping into this new chapter. I will also be starting a newsletter soon, where I hope to share updates and reflections.
As always, I carry love in my heart for everyone, and I hope that love continues to shine everywhere.