Things Keep Changing
I frequently say in my class, “Everything keeps changing.”
Every moment is a new moment and unique, which never comes back again, or you cannot experience the same moment ever again.
It is like you can never play with the same water in the river. Everything keeps flowing.
Not only your surroundings, but also your mind, memory, knowledge, emotion, experience, or even your body keeps changing.
By focusing on the present moment, we can become more aware of these changes and appreciate the uniqueness of each experience.
When you do Warrior 2 in a yoga class, it is always a new Warrior 2 and not the same one as you did yesterday.
Feel the difference from yesterday or from a moment ago.
You do not need to think, but just feel. Feel the current moment, and you can see the past. Feel the current moment and you can accept the future.
Nothing is right or wrong. You are at this moment, which is the fact. As the result of all of the accumulation of the past, you are here. As the result of this current moment addition to the accumulation of the past, you will be at the next moment.
Therefore, you do not need to think of anything that has already happened or do not need to worry about anything that has not happened yet. What has happened has happened; What will happen will happen. Just be at the moment, do what you do now, and accept whatever result comes to you.